Thursday, January 12, 2012

Designer babies

Now, when I say designer babies, it's probably not what you think. I mean my daughter likes to make clothes for her babes. She is only four and since September, tape has been her best friend. She has cut magazines apart to redress her doll house people, as well as redecorate their house.

She has used scarp fabric from my sewing projects to make a birthday outfit for Amelia. She used some foam stickers to not only decorate the fabric, but to hold it together. She did this all on her own.

I took her to Plimouth Plantation in October, with some of her homeschool friends and her auntie. It was a fantastic trip, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is in the Massachusetts area. She is still talking about it months later. One day she decided she wanted the babies to be Pilgrims.

She cut the rim off of a paper plate to make the hats for the girls. After applying copious amounts of tape the babies were dressed and ready to set sail! Actually she was having them build their house. 

What can your little one do with some paper, tape, and maybe some fabric? Set it out and find out!

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